
physical therapy

I am ..... since 2004 qualified physiotherapist in Germany and since March 2018 also recognized in Spain. Within the framework of Spanish and German private law, I offer physiotherapy as a home visit. In Spain, a prescription from a doctor is no longer required. The billing is done exclusively privately by me. The following applies to the reimbursement of various insurance systems:

  • German private insurance: better with a doctor's prescription, However, the invoice is often reimbursed without this. The amount of reimbursement always depends on your tariff
  • Statutory German insurance: Partial refund, but only with private prescription
  • Spanish supplementary insurance: no regulation necessary
  • Spanish Seguridad Social: no regulation necessary, but for a partial refund, an application must be made to the Seguridad Social PRIOR to the start, that the treatment should be carried out by me


The Dorn Method, named after Dieter Dorn, is a simple one, but extremely effective method for regulating the spine- and joint problems. With this method, the overall statics of the body are checked. Displaced vertebrae and joints are gently pushed back into their optimal position with the patient moving themselves. It's possible, to correct wrongdoing, relieve associated pain, and to promote relaxation and well-being.

Displaced vertebrae can also affect nerves and disrupt the conduction of stimuli to internal organs. Organ dysfunctions can also be corrected with the Dorn method, which are often not associated with blocked vertebrae. A connection to psychological stress was also identified. Those treated feel much better physically and emotionally afterwards.

In addition, individually required self-exercises are taught, so that everyone can help themselves quickly and easily at home and to permanently optimize their body statics.

In the case of acute complaints, there is usually one 1-3 single treatment successful. In the case of long-standing complaints or scoliotic changes in the spine, several applications are often necessary. The interval between treatments should be approx 7-10 days.

Due to the, high for many people, everyday demands, it is quite helpful yourself 1-2 times a year, or more often as needed, to be straightened up by experienced Dorn therapists, to prevent more pronounced or even chronic complaints.

Therapeutic massages/sports massages

The sports massage is a massage, to address the needs of athletes. But also non-athletes, people with tension, benefit from this "sportier" treatment. Permanent changes in muscular tension not only cause pain, they also ensure a reduced and wear-prone function of the musculoskeletal system.

A sports massage is aimed at specific goals, such as an increase in performance, or the treatment. avoidance of injuries.

Sports massages are used for tension, tendinitis, strains, Sprains and adhesions used effectively. They also counteract muscle shortening and thus increase general mobility. After a competition or heavy physical exertion, they contribute to faster recovery.

Personal Training

Since October 2023 I now also have the additional qualification as a personal trainer. Training theory is part of the vocational training for physiotherapy, But with this further training I wanted to bring myself up to date. I am also happy to offer personal training in conjunction with physiotherapy. My specialty is improving body functions, including strength, Balance and stability, Body perception, Agility. I use concepts here, that you can use anywhere: Train with your own body weight and small aids. If you don't feel quite fit after an illness or an accident, or generally have that feeling, Your body might need a boost, then you have come to exactly the right place! Thanks to my many years of experience in geriatrics, seniors are also very welcome here!